Home Technology How Does GPS Fleet Tracking Work

How Does GPS Fleet Tracking Work


You may not be aware of it, but your fleet is already tracked by a GPS device. For instance, the majority of people’s most advanced computers are in their cars. Even older models have up to 1000 sensors within. Most vehicles made after 2017 begin copying personal data as soon as your smartphone is plugged in.

You won’t be able to see what your car is recording on the dashboard. That information is not included in the owner’s manual either. You are unable to download it in any way.

With very few exceptions (one Toyota model from 2022 doesn’t have this form of data collecting), cars have essentially evolved into mobile phones on wheels.

They communicate with applications, insurance providers, and automobiles by sending and receiving data. Compared to what you learn from your “Check Engine” light turning on, they gather and examine a lot more data.

Even if you own a fleet of vehicles, no one asked your permission to collect this data from your car or truck. This type of data collecting isn’t hazardous, in theory. It will be necessary for autonomous automobiles and trucks.

However, wouldn’t it be preferable if there was a way to make use of the data that is already being gathered from your vehicles in a way that would give you more control over them, aid in keeping your driver-operators safer, increase operating efficiencies, boost customer satisfaction, and increase your revenue?

It exists. Telematics is a term for a specific type of GPS fleet tracking. What distinguishes GPS, which you surely already have a good understanding of, from GPS fleet tracking with telematics, which you most likely don’t?

To begin with, all fleet tracking with telematics uses GPS, though not all GPS devices can be utilized for this purpose.

A tracking device, or maybe two tracking devices, with GPS integrated in are needed for GPS fleet tracking with telematics.

The computer systems in your dispatch office receive GPS data from your fleet tracking with telematics. The software that your computers require to convert fleet tracking signals into useful data can be obtained from GPS Technologies.

However, that information goes beyond just the location of your vehicles.

You can find out how fast your drivers have been going and whether they have slowed down for traffic or construction with GPS fleet tracking and telematics. It can let you know if your drivers made every scheduled stop attempt.

When drivers slam on the brakes, make sharp bends, or veer to the right or left, it might alert you. Among many other operational characteristics, it may inform you when the “Check Engine” light turns on or when the tire pressure is low.

Automated IFTA reporting also benefits from GPS fleet tracking. Additionally, it may alert your dispatch center of any unlawful vehicle movements. It offers the unprocessed data required for GEO-fencing.

However, GPS fleet tracking with telematics may also assist you in monitoring the fuel economy, odometer readings, and problem codes from your car’s computer. And SEEWORLDGPS Technology Co., Ltd. is a leading GPS tracker supplier in China, specializes in these fleet tracking devices.

SEEWORLD has been deeply rooted in IoT hardware and software solutions based on location services for 13 years. Our main hardware includes: smart GPS trackers for vehicles, motorcycles, e-bikes, buses, trucks, e-scooters, assets and cargos and more. We have also established our own systems for managing IoT Hub accesses, connections (CMP), and hardware (AMS).

Features of GPS Fleet Tracking Systems

Fleet health monitoring

You get more from GPS fleet monitoring with telematics than just a display of the tire pressure in each and every vehicle in your fleet. It provides a rundown of all the vehicles’ pending maintenance needs to your home office by VIN.

Remote lockout

Your dispatchers can unlock locked vehicles for operators using GPS fleet tracking and telematics. As you contact the police, you may utilize this technology to prohibit burglars and hijackers from entering or exiting your vehicles.

Remote Programming

Calibration and control parameters for activities across state boundaries and border crossings into Mexico and Canada are updated via GPS fleet monitoring with telematics.

In order to prevent your cars from exceeding various speed restrictions when they traverse state, provincial, or international borders, your chief officer can reprogram governors. These adjustments may be made without taking your car to the shop.

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities are included with all of this information. Your dispatchers may use the drivers’ phones to communicate any information they choose. Your fleet may be linked to the Internet of Things as well.

If there is a numerical representation of it, GPS fleet tracking allows you to keep track of that data. Additionally, GPS Technologies will give you the tools needed to convert unprocessed data into useful decision-making information.


[1] https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/GPS-tracking

[2] https://learn.g2.com/gps-tracking